Policy Manual

Comox Valley Writers Society

                                      POLICY MANUAL
                              Last updated: March 6, 2024


The Comox Valley Writers Society follows the by-laws established by the Societies Act. By-laws must be approved by the membership and are the structure for an organization. Policies, which this manual contains, are operational guidelines created by the board of directors and are subject to modification as the need arises.

(In compliance with the requirements of the Societies Act)

Member-Funded Society

This society is a member-funded society.  It is funded primarily by its members to carry on activities for the benefit of its members.  On its liquidation or dissolution, this society may distribute its money and other property to its members.

Adoption of model by-laws

Be it resolved that Adoption of Schedule 1 of the Societies Regulation: Model Bylaws be adopted as the Bylaws of Comox Valley   Writers Society.



Succession plan

That the Past President be automatically considered a member-at-large the following year, with full voting privileges, if he/she is willing.

Speaking on behalf of the CVWS

Only the President, with the support of at least one director, may speak publicly on behalf of the CVWS, unless a CVWS member has been requested to represent the society for a specified purpose by a majority of the Board.

 Election of Board Members

Board members are nominated by the CVWS Nominating Committee which consists, ideally, of three CVWS members. The Nominating Committee is responsible for:
a.) Recruiting suitable members to join the board, ideally at least one month before the Annual General Meeting. The board must be made up of a minimum of 5 people and a maximum of 11 people.
b.) Vetting potential board members by meeting in person to discuss the roles and responsibilities of board members and gauge their interest and suitability
c.) Nominating selected members
d.) Giving nominated board members the New Board Member Orientation Package, which contains: CVWS: A Short History, List of member benefits, CVWS Policies & Procedures, and Policy & Procedure for Conflict Resolution
e.) Organizing the election at the AGM
f.) Having the newly-elected board members agree to abide by and sign the CVWS Board Membership and Code of Conduct form
g.) Recruiting a current board member to act as a mentor for the new board member

Board Spending Limits

The CVWS board is charged with using society funds in a fiscally-responsible manner for the benefit of the society as a whole, and in line with the budget as approved by the membership. In cases where an expenditure exceeds the current budget line amount, and when the necessary funds are available in the treasury, the board shall request that the membership approve the expenditure. Approval can be obtained at a monthly General Meeting, or by special request. 

Conflict of Interest on the Board

Potential conflicts of interest arising during Comox Valley Writers Society business are referred immediately to the President and or executives of the society. The board member steps away from the discussion, vote, and any communication regarding the issue. The chair may call an in-camera meeting to discuss the potential conflict. Further actions are negotiated with the individual.


Membership Fees

The annual fee for membership in the CVWS is $25/year from September 1 to August 31 for adults and $10/year for youth age 15 to 19.


Book launch assistance

The author must have been a member for six months before financial assistance, to a maximum of $50, is given for expenses from a book launch.


The purpose of the CVWS Facebook page is to share CVWS and member-related information. Information posted will include:
a) Notices of CVWS meetings and events
b) Publication and/or launch of member’s book
c) Member successes including publication of work in a literary journal or magazine (online or print) with a link to the work
d) Notices of community literary events that might interest members—local or online
e) Information about legitimate submission opportunities, literary contests and prizes, with links to the appropriate page

CVWS Newsletter

The CVWS newsletter is distributed electronically to members of CVWS around the 10th of each month. Its purpose is to: share information from the board; publicize upcoming CVWS and community writing and author events; provide submission opportunities, writing resources, and a list of upcoming contests; publish book reviews (one member book and one non-member book); and to celebrate members’ successes. It also helps members get to know one another through the Getting to Know You column.

The newsletter editor is supported by, ideally, at least three proofreaders.

The newsletter does not share news of publication successes of non-members.

Small Writing Groups

The Comox Valley Writers Society organizes and supports Small Writing Groups (SWG) to help members develop their writing craft.

The Board will:
a.) assign a SWG Coordinator from within the membership
b.) refer CVWS members who wish to join a group to the coordinator
c.) support the coordinator

The SWG Coordinator will:

a.) refer members to groups that have space and that most closely fit their needs; ideally, each group consists of up to eight participants
b.) provide groups with an orientation to SWG guidelines; direct participants to select a Group Leader
c.) ensure that each participant receives a copy of SWG guidelines
d.) act as a resource to the Group Leader, providing additional support as required

The Group Leader will:

a.) organize the date, time and place for SWG meetings
b.) foster a welcoming and sociable environment
c.) ensure that meetings begin and end in a timely manner
d.) ensure that participants have equal opportunity to present their work, and to give and receive feedback
e.) will inform the SWG Coordinator of changes in the group’s meeting date, and of any participant leaving the group

Participants are expected to adhere to SWG guidelines. If a participant chooses to disregard the guidelines or is disrespectful towards others, the Group Leader will refer back to the guidelines and then monitor to see that the situation improves. If there is no change in the situation, the Group Leader or a group member may choose to ask the participant to withdraw from the group.

Book Review Committee

In order to offer positive, creative inspiration to members, the Book Review Committee writes reviews of members’ published works and shares them with the membership, as well as reviews of books published at large that might offer creative writing inspiration.

The committee:

a.) Encourages fellow writers, via a regular column in the newsletter, to support each other in writing and posting reviews on various consumer platforms, online review applications and in writer’s magazines
b.) Offers fellow writers, via a regular column for the newsletter, guidance on how to produce a simple positive review of members’ works
c.) Reviews and shares potential titles about the craft of writing that may offer inspiration and support to our writers as they hone their writing craft
d.) Investigates and offers to members information about social media platforms (Instagram, YouTube, etc.) which offer new and creative ways of reviewing members’ published works



The Board of Directors may hold events such as conferences, workshops, author readings and other events to help writers develop their craft.

These events must:

a.) Be approved by the directors and supported by the membership
b.) Have a solid plan and budget
c.) Ensure that financial contributions from the society receive prior approval

These events may:

a.) Solicit and accept grants
b.) Be planned and executed with an appropriate partner
c.) Be open to the public


Commercial activities

The CVWS shares but does not promote the commercial ventures of members or non-members on its website or Facebook page or newsletter.


To ensure privacy, CVWS emails sent to members and non-members will be blind copied, unless otherwise agreed upon. Those exceptions may include the small writing groups and the board of directors.

Records are kept, held and/or destroyed in accordance with the Societies Act.

Personal information may be collected from members and potential members through the membership process, at workshops, conferences, and other events, through email and written communications with members, and incidentally.

a.) All personal information collected, including names, addresses, and contact information, is stored securely.
b.) The CVWS membership list is confidential and never shared with other organizations
c.) A member of the board who uses the CVWS membership list for anything other than official CVWS business may face immediate dismissal, loss of membership, and/or prosecution


Following the death of a member, CVWS may, when informed of the death of a member, or a member of the member’s immediate family, choose to:

a.) send a card of condolence to the member’s family
b.) send flowers or a plant with the card
c.) make a donation to the member’s favourite charity, with an acknowledgement to the family

The total amount spent will not exceed $100.