Poems That Whisper / Words That Explode – April 8, 2021

Your North Island Writers Conference committee is pleased to announce they will be hosting a few mid-conference workshop presentations via Zoom throughout 2021. These are free to CVWS members in good standing only and will focus on topics that develop skills and promote authors and their work. (If you are not sure if you have paid your membership, contact [email protected].)

The inaugural presentation, Poems That Whisper/Words That Explode, with Derek Hanebury, is on April 8th at 7 pm via Zoom. The hour-long interactive session will cover:

  • What makes a great poem?
  • When is a poem done?
  • What can be considered when editing?
  • Where to place line and stanza breaks?

Derek Hanebury is a Vancouver Island writer of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. His first book of poetry, Nocturnal Tonglen (Ekstasis), will soon be followed by his second collection, Voluntary Blindness. He just launched a book of short stories called Both Sides Now (RCN Media) with a solo collection coming out in 2021.

His poems and stories have been published in many magazines and broadcast on CBC radio; and his first novel, Ginger Goodwin: Beyond the Forbidden Plateau (Arsenal Pulp) went to a second printing. He has a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing from UBC and taught writing at North Island College on Vancouver Island until his retirement in 2017.

Please note: CVWS members who wish to attend this workshop must R.S.V.P. to [email protected] by April 5th, 2021.