A Successful Writers Conference!

Thank you to everyone who made our inaugural North Island Writers Conference such a wonderful success!

Our keynote speaker event with Bev Sellars on the Friday evening was very well attended. Standing room only but no one seemed to mind too much as Bev’s talk was so captivating.

Saturday’s full day of workshop and panel sessions got off to a slightly delayed start due to an unexpected amount of snow overnight. But once everyone managed to get to the college, the speed picked up, including some last minute registrations. Always a nice surprise.

It was heart-warming to see such a gathering of authors and budding writers in one location, sharing ideas and advice. Hopefully, contacts were established and steady friendships formed during this event.

Feedback from authors, attendees, and volunteers was overall on the positive side. The few hiccups incurred were merely noted with some very good recommendations on how we could improve on the next Writers Conference. And it would seem there is much demand for a second one next year.

Stay tuned. As soon as the wind has re-filled our sails, we will be looking at options, discussing possibilities, and selecting dates.

In the meantime, happy writing!

Terry, Kay, Joline, Leslie, Nick, and Maya
North Island Writers Conference Committee